Test Usage Key Request (TUKR)

Important Information

  • Each test usage key is provided without charge to all potential customers who request it.
  • The solution BCS is installed, which contains the products BCP / BCG / CTP / CTG.
  • Keys supplied via this TUKR may only be used in non-productive systems.
  • Each key is fully-functional for the requested product(s), for a period of four weeks.
  • Usage of the solution can be extended after the test period by applying a valid key.
  • Remote support for application errors will be provided without charge.

Hoster Access

Providing Consultancy Services?

If you're providing consultancy services for one or more Customers, and require the ability to directly manage systems and agreements for each of your Customers within the Portal, please state so below so we can configure your Customer as a "Hoster".

If you're not planning to provide Consultancy services, do not select this option.

Organization Details

Already a QuantityWare Customer?

If your organization is already a customer of QuantityWare, you should not submit this form to request new keys for your systems.

Existing customers can generate keys for new systems via the Systems Manager. Click here for instructions.

Name and Address

* = Required field

Contact Details

Contacts & Portal Roles

The contacts you enter below will be granted Portal user accounts ("Contacts"), each of which is assigned one or more Portal roles ("Roles").

Please read our Portal Roles Guide before proceeding.

The Management, Application and Technical Roles must be assigned.

To help get you started, we have created three blank Contacts below, assigning one Role to each (Management, Application and Technical respectively).

If you wish to assign the Management, Application and Technical roles to fewer than three Contacts, just remove all Roles from the Contact(s) you don't require, and add the Roles to those Contacts you wish to retain.

You may add several Roles to a single Contact, and add additional Contacts as required.

NOTE: For division of duties reasons, and to support work absences etc, we strongly recommend assigning roles to at least two Contacts.

Loading Contacts Manager...

We're loading the Contacts Manager. If this message remains on screen for more than a few seconds, something may have gone wrong. Please attempt to refresh the screen in this case.

If the problem persists, please raise a Portal Ticket explaining the issue and we will be in touch to help resolve it.

Target Systems

Enter up to two systems that will have QuantityWare installed on them below.

For technical prerequisite details, please see our Technical Installation Manual.

By applying QuantityWare test usage keys to your systems, you accept and agree to uphold the terms of the Test Software Usage Agreement.

System 1 of 2

System 2 of 2 (Optional)

Is Client Restriction Required?

* Client Restriction is required if multiple organizations are using different clients in the same SID and only one organization has a QuantityWare agreement - in these cases you must specify the clients of the valid organization.

However, if you have exclusive use of the SIDs using this installation number, Client Restriction is not necessary - and may be unnecessarily limiting.

SAP Release

SAP Release

Please let us know the release of SAP you will be running the QuantityWare BCS product(s) on. This allows us to select the appropriate version of BCS for your environment.

Usage Period

Key Validity

The usage key(s) will be valid from the Installation Date until 28 days (4 weeks) later.

Request Contact and Comments

Contact for Request

Please provide your email address and phone number below so that we may contact you if we have any queries while processing this request.

Privacy Notice & Confirmation

Privacy Notice

The submitting parties and their instructing organization(s) understand and agree that their personal data shall be stored for the term of the test usage period. We are only storing your personal data that are necessary to fulfill the duties of the agreement that we have entered into with you. These data are as defined in this application form. We will only use such data for our own purposes. We will not disclose these data to any third party.

The security of Customer data is of utmost concern. QuantityWare will exercise due care and attention to the storage and maintenance of such data as defined in the German “Bundesdatenschutzgesetz” (BDSG) (English: “Federal Data Protection Act”) and the European Union Privacy Policy 95/46/EG. In the unlikely event that any abuse or unauthorized access to such customer data becomes known to QuantityWare, it will inform Customer management representatives immediately as to the nature of breach and the extent of data compromised. Upon test usage period termination, Customer may request the deletion of their data.

Security Check

Please complete the challenge below to show us you're not a robot:

Please prove you are human by selecting the diamond.



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